Sunday 29 November 2015

Design and what a friend thought of it


I couple of weeks ago i talked via Teamspeak with at least for me a good friend who is named Obey (from NA) about the situation in and around Amored Warfare .We both are active since the very first start of the game back in the Alpha phase and despite some different opinions about some classes or vehicles , at the end we had somewhat the same view of the game.
We all want that AW will be a good game and has success, even though lately i think that we can agree here, that they made a few mistakes which could have been avoided actually. Personally i have a more critical point of view and i have no problem in saying or writing that.

This doesn't mean that AW is currently in a bad shape or that it has only flaws , though i don't know the influence of / and their possible pressure on Obsidian. Another thing might be the contract and different things that are bound with it .
However to get directly to the reason why iam writing this, is the point of view which Obey had when it came down to the armor upgrades for vehicles.


The reason why he said it, was that you want mainly a change in the look of the tank when you mount or demount some of the unlock able armor upgrades for vehicles, especially MBT's . By thinking of that, iam came to the conclusion that he is right about that.  The vehicles themselves don't change a lot when you update your gunbarrel or install new shells or GLATGM's and so on. This means that the only visual upgrade you have are either smoke launcher (which is currently not working as it should) or armor upgrades for the vehicles.
I know that this might be a small issue, but as we look at the Leopard 1A5 as an example, the visual upgrade is not complete, where it should actually and those small things make the game so much better as you see the progress visualy . There are some vehicles where you have such armor upgrades and see a different visual setting when you mount them. If iam not mistaken the T-72 / T-72A / B1 Centauro / M1A1 / M1A2 / Ariete / M60A3 / T-64A / Stingray 2 / XM8 / MGS1128 Stryker / BMP-3 / BMP-3M ? / Chieftain (even though it is small ) / Challenger 1  and i think Challenger 2 as well .

Those are the ones i can recall in my mind, if i forgot a vehicle i will add it later on . Overall it depends on how much vehicles they want to add and how much they want to split those up to either have a huge number of vehicles or what i would like more, less vehicles but more detailed, but this is my personal opinion as i don't see a reason to have the same tank / vehicle over and over again.
What i really like to see are more upgrade options for the visual change of the vehicle. This can be with working smoke launchers (even if you don't have them, they are on the model which is sad) , armor kits , like the ones mentioned before or even thermal jackets for the gun barrel or customised storage cases for the crew and so on.

The first impression of a vehicle when you have it on elite status, should be the change of the visual design which comes along with upgrading, so you have yourself a satisfying look when you see your progress actually. Like i said before this might be not that important, since your current balance is in many ways not good at all, but you should think about those details and first impression when you introduce new vehicles. Sometimes is less , more and nobody is forcing you to release 10 vehicles a month .

My current example of a missing armor ugprade would be the PzH 2000 with its IGEL armor , even though there are a few options for the T-62 / T-64 or like mentioned in the previous post the Leopard 1 had quite some changes as well or the Falcon Turret for the Chieftain / Challenger  and so on .


Go for more quality when you introduce vehicles ( more upgrade options who are changing the visual look ) and less quantity.  I have no doubts that most players are looking forward for little details and visual changes with further progress .

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