Tuesday 3 November 2015

Why i consider the PVE design to be bad .

Point of View :

I think that the PVE mode has a lot of potential to be a really good mode , besides PVP , but not in within the current design . The mission design is a good choice and it suits the game and it's background. What i really dislike is the fact that it is mostly made for MBTs and the random spawning of enemies.

Current Design:

At the moment you pick a mission and get thrown onto a map with a task. Most of the time you have to defend or prevent the enemy from taking something, while this is a good choice , within the background of Armored Warfare , the overall map design isnt.
Most of the maps are parts from PVP maps , while only a few are standalone mission at the moment. Before they introduced the PVE stuff, i already thought that they will use their existing maps for PVE, as it reduces the time and effort for something completely new . This can be good but it can be really bad as well and for the most part i think that it is badly done. 
They cut those PVP maps in half or use just a small part of it, put random enemy spawns on it and change the enviroment a tiny bit. Please this shouldn't be the way of doing it, and i guess / know that you can do better than this . Lately i have thought about a game which had a really good campaign with a good setup, which can be done for the Armored Warfre PVE mode. The games name is Sudden Strike .

From my perspective , Obsidian could do somewhat the same with the existing maps and the current PVE setup.

Changes that needs to be done :

  • use the whole map, not only parts of it
  • see that screenshot above ? It adds a lot of information , like target objective, defensive positions and most important, attack moves  and directions on the map (where you are defending, where the enemy is coming from etc.)
  • no random enemy spawn zones, where they drop off the air
  • give them a attack direction and defensive options, so they dont turn their back to the front 
  • player's who do the secondary objectives should be rewarded a bit better, besides the team reward
  • vision is important, so make it worth to be a AFV  and not get nuked instandly for scouting
  • you already have objectives aka hardcover which can deny vision, that shouldnt be a problem to use it as a tool
Features that i'd like to see :

  • Teambuilder. With a teambuilder , players should have a higher chance of success in PVE, because classes are set up right. For example every team consists of 2 MBTs at minimum, while 3 spots can be filled up with the other classes or make it as a requirement , bound to the mission.
  • A Different approach can be, that you just select the difficulty and the PVE generator puts you on a mission where you have a chance of being successful. For example a SPG in a city map is bad, while on a more open map you can do something.
  • AI should be a more on a military drill, like if they attack the drive towards you, and if they are low they retreat with reversing and not turn a 180° and show you the back of it.

 Here is another screenshot with a decent amount of information on where the enemy is defending or coming from. It is way better to show such information on the map, so players can prepare themselves, than just having "airdrops" in the middle of nowhere.

Conclusion :

They have a lot of potential to make it great, but in its current state it is just there, but nothing impressive nor would i consider the PVE mode as well done . If they want to keep it the way they are doing it right now, then at least add a arrow or something where i can see the enemy spawns when they come with reinforcements. There is nothing worse to have a "spawn of reinforcements" right next to your back .

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