Thursday 5 November 2015

Vehicles in the wrong tier ?

 For me the tier of a vehicle is bound to its capabilities in its role, the historical point of view and somewhat a logic behind the choice.

Example on why a vehicle can be miss placed.
Usually most vehicles are in the right tier and role, while for some reason, some are not. A good example is the LAV-300 which was tier 5 at start of the Alpha phases.
During the Alpha phases the LAV-300 was the vehicle, which followed the Sheridan . Back then, the Sheridan had its APFSDS (1800ms speed) , while the LAV-300 was pretty bad for a tier 5 with its options for upgrade and the performance.
Suggestions in the forum stated, that a gun depression buff would be recommend, as well as accuracy and penetration power, or as a alternative , change the tier with the Sheridan. The reason behind the latter suggestion was fairly easy, due the really good performance of the Sheridan and its capabilities to hurt the enemy a lot, with a low chance of losing the trade off .
Overall the Sheridan was quite popular as a easy grind machine and the already mentioned performance, some people , including me, just saw a change of the tier , as a really good option to handle its current state of performance. It was necessary to change the LAV-300 , due its play style and the possible game play options, which limited you by a lot . Even though it was by far the worst tier 5 vehicle in that phase .
Obsidian decided to buff the LAV-300 in areas where none of us expected it.

My opinion of the buff is, that they boosted areas where the vehicle was already strong at, and the major flaws of grind and low penetration values didn't change the play style by a lot. I still favoured a change to tier 4 or buffs which boosted the ability to snipe better on distance and weak spots. A different approach within the grind itself was also recommend, due the fact, that HEAT itself limits your play and grinding that much to have the APFSDS option just in the last section, didn't make this vehicle any better.

At the end Obsidian changed the LAV-300 to tier 4 , where it is way better placed than on tier 5.

What i'am looking for ?

As the previous example might have shown already, a vehicle has different values which make it either good or bad for some tiers, despite the LAV- series is not that old, it has limits within the capabilities of its own performance. The main reason is the performance of the 90mm gun, which limits the choice of the tier, as well as the class itself, is a limit in where you can put it. If we had put the LAV-300 in the AFV class and gave it a higher rate of fire, as well as lower damage and penetration maybe, it would have fitted the tier , due the difference in class design and their tasks.

Looking at this example and the topic , i have a problem with some vehicles in its current tier and role.

1) The first vehicle where i have a huge problem, is the British Warrior IFV.
Looking at its raw stats and the main reason on why i have a problem with it, is the weapon system, the weapon system performance compared to similar aged IFVs and the historical age of it , again compared to similar vehicles of the same class.
If you take a quick look at the current in game Tech-Tree you will see that the Bradley (similar age / weapon system ) is on tier 6, the BMP-3  (similar age / weapon system ) is on tier 6 and even the relatively new BMD-4 is just on tier 7.

Question is now : Why is the Warrior so much superior to previous mentioned same aged / produced (besides the BMD-4) vehicles , that they say , that it needs to be on tier 8 ?
When i mentioned the weapon system, i asked myself , why is a 30x170mm gun with a 6 clip magazine, so much better than the 25x137mm or 30x165mm or 30x173mm or even 30x250mm ?
While i can see that it should be more powerful than the 25mm variant, but for the other 30mm i don't see the reason behind the decision to have it above of them all .

Another aspect for me is the "historical" part, where the Warrior fit perfectly the same tier as the Bradley or the BMP-3, due they have somewhat the same age of production. If we take this far over any logic you could just produce a vehicle with a weapon system from the 1950's and put it on tier 10 , because its new production date.
Game wise i would put it down to tier 6, as it fits the age, the weapon system capabilities, and the current ingame upgrade options .

2) The second vehicle would be the Swingfire, as it is miss placed in it's role compared to all previous and following vehicle in that line.
Currently all vehicles in the Recon AFV line have the option to use a Autocannon, are mobile (speed, size, mobility) and have a good viewrange. While the viewrange and camo is good for the Swingfire, it is fairly slow, has a big size and just ATGMs to rely on .
With the latter mentioned weapon system, some vehicles have either the choice to fit both a Autocannon and ATGM launcher (FOX), some have only a Autocannon (XM800T) and other's can only choose in between having a Autocannon or ATGM launcher fitted .

For me especially in that line it is important to be flexible and be useful for your team in the role you are playing inside of a class. ATGMs are powerful nontheless, but they limit you in what you should do, which is giving vision . A autocannon gives you enough flexible options either in a defensive way , like defending yourself against other AFVs  or even in a offensive way, like taking out another enemy in a 2v1 situation . Of course you will have problems, as autocannons have limits with the penetration power, but overall you are more flexible compared to have only a ATGM weapon system.

In the current state of play the swingfire has some advantages maybe, but overall i don't think that it fits the role where it is put in. It is not as flexible as all other vehicles, before or after it and going for a early spotting run, is nearly impossible as well as agressive positions up front, due the fact that the Swingfire is anything but mobile.
As for the game, i would either replace it with a vehicle that fits previous mentioned requirements (mobile, either or Autocannon/ATGM) or add the vehicle as a choice for tier 4 next to the Swingfire

General Conclusion

It is important when you pick a vehicle into a tier, that you fullfil the role, so it suits the rest of the line, as well as having in mind the age of the vehicle, next to it's capabilities of the weapon system. This should result into not having vehicles boosted^10 to suit tiers to fullfil empty holes.

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