Tuesday 3 November 2015


With the recent changes for PVE i'd like to give my point of view on why i think a lot of people play PVE instead of PVP .
It was always clear from the start of this, that PVE has a lower reward in terms of money and maybe experience (reputation), which i assume is absolutely fine, due the lower amount of risk you are running .This is my personal feedback from a player who plays 99,5% solo .


+ You only have 4 other guys
+ fairly safe to do the double or farm
+ somewhat of a place to learn to look out for some weakspots on vehicles
+ relatively quick done

- low amount of credits $$$
- if you died the amount of experience and money can be low
- boring to a certain point
- for myself PVE is bad designed
- MBTs have the biggest advantage over any other class

Reason behind this:

For myself i picked PVE over PVP , because you have a more stable way of gaining reputation and some vehicles are considered bad in PVP, thats why i play PVE for the main reason. The Developers said that most people picked PVE , because it is the more efficient way to earn reputation , especially for lower tiers with the "hard mode", which they raised to the minimum of tier 5 now . I can understand this change, though i don't see it that reasonable to get it done, due the main issue is the bad MM in PVP and some inbalance  for certain vehicles and classes.
Of course at this point PVE is a really efficient way to level up, but you should ask yourself more on why people are picking it over PVP, as for myself PVP adds competition which i think is needed, but not on a basis, where the MM decides on who is winning it. (screenshots below) 
For example , a OF-40 can be played in PVP well i guess, though i find it more difficult to play it, i have done most of the grind with PVE , as it was easier to gain reputation there with the daily than within the random PVP setup. 
Another reason is, that you might know the PVE map , due you select the mission beforehand, which adds another advantage , as a vehicle can be good on 1 map, but bad on another one, which is another random factor .


+ really good cashflow $$$
+ a big match will give you a lot of experience
+ competition

- 14 other players 
- high chance of 3-4 vs 27-26 players
- chance of having a bad double

Reason behind this:

PVP is of course the goal and it is quite fun from time to time, but with the current MatchMaking, it feels like i get punished a lot more for no reason , than it should. I know that Obsidian can't change the customers attitude nor their skill, but currently you get punished with teams, where you have 90% of the times 2-3, maybe 4 players which are doing their "job" and the rest is just there to get carried. Usually i don't mind carrying some people as of course i couldnt win without them anyway, but when you are 2 minutes ingame and already down 8 players with 0 damage, it was clear that either the MM failed hard or bots are appearing in the game .

As i said, Obsidian can't change the skill or attitude of players, but at the moment PVP is more a lottery than having fun, while i don't think that  12-0 , 11-0 , 10-0 etc. are fun games for either side.

Those are just a few examples of how games are going, and i can post a lot more of these, where you literally have only 2-3/4 players which are doing something . Yes not every vehicle is good on certain maps , but within a +-0 tier range as shown in these examples, it should be possible for everyone to play their vehicle on a certain level of competition. 0 damage is not enough, despite having some spotting damage, damage is needed to give better players a chance of carrying.


Even if they change their MM (there needs to be done a lot of work with it), PVE will be a option for me and certain classes / vehicles as the pressure and randomness is lower than the PVP queue .


  1. Agree with all your Points except the part Quote "where you have 90% of the times 2-3, maybe 4 players which are doing their "job" and the rest is just there to get carried."
    I believe that in most instances you would not of personally seen what some of those other players faced as opposition so how do you know what their intent was?
    I believe all players knowingly go into PvP IOT win/contribute but invariably the MM/Tier Spread and player skills against higher Tiers (or better skilled players) is the biggest factor.
    You are oversimplifying the fact in the assumption they enter with a plan to get carried :(

    1. Well Damage and EXP are an indicator of what i've seen recently, and therefore comes my conclusion that mostly 2-3 people are doing the main job, while 10 players are mostly deadweight, and the other 1-2 players are in between.
      The reason why currently this is flawed, lies mostly in the information you can get out of the game. For example i already told them in the Alpha or even in the EA, that it is more important to show Spotting Damage or if you want only 1 "damage stat" shown in the battle report, you go for a combined stat. This means Spotting damage + regular damage = shown in the battle report.
      In most cases you can do decent in most wider tier spread games, up to tier 6 max, after that the power creep is too strong actually.

      Although there is no excuse if you don't perform if you are top tier in a battle. Every vehicle can perform even stock as a top tier, but the players are just bad and most likely deadweight to the team.
      Often players believe that a higher tier, makes it easier for them to win against lower tiers, which was the same in WoT actually, but they usually suck against even tiers or some lower tiers, because they lack skill and knowledge. Thats why i don't like other people being top tier in my matches, because that would mean that i trust them to carry, and 99% don't do that actually .
