Saturday 28 November 2015

Leopard 1A5 issue

The issue i mainly have, is that the model is not correct for the Leopard 1A5. While i think it is better to have a option here for both turret version's (A5 and A3 actually) the overall issue are the missing sideskirts.
A short  information about the overall look changed within the version.(just the look, not internal stuff)

Leopard 1
Leopard 1A1 : Thermal jacket and sideskirts
Leopard 1A1A1 : Thermal jacket, sideskirts and the known additional turret armor
Leopard 1A2 : Thermal jacket, sideskirts and a different turretarmordesign (Cast turret design)
Leopard 1A3 : Thermal jacket, sideskirts and a different turretdesign (Welded turret design)
Leopard 1A4 : Thermal jacket, sideskirts and a different turretdesign (Welded turret design)
Leopard 1A5 : Thermal jacket, sideskirts and the known additional turret armor

Leopard 1A1A1
Leopard 1A2
Leopard 1A3
Leopard 1A4
Leopard 1A5

You see all Leopard 1's with the beginning of the A1 Version (sadly hard to find that picture) had sideskirts, though the Belgian Leopard 1's for example had a different design and if i see that correct the sideskirts are out of metal instead of kevlar .
In Armored Warfare the Leopard 1A5 is missing those beautiful looking sideskirts, which should be not the case at all !

In Short :

  • add the sideskirts to the 1A5
  • add the option to have the A3/4 Turret
  • add the option to have the BE Army sideskirts + their turretdesign including SABCA

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