Tuesday 1 December 2015

Reloadtime bug and its annoying drawbacks for the PzH 2000

Due the recent event i have grinded quite a lot to finish up at least 1 SPG line to get the mark. 3 retrofit. My overall opinion about the 3 salvo magazine SPG's is quite strict as i don't like it for the most part. To sum them up, there are at least for me more disadvantages than advantages.

  • less alpha per shell
  • highly depended to hit 3 shots
  • hard to balance
  • difficult to empty the magazine
  • not "historical accurate"

What annoys me the most is actually the fact that it is way harder to balance a magazine mechanic like you have right now, than sticking to be a single loader, like they are in real life. I guess they have done it , to add more diversity , though i dislike that move, due the unhistorical approach to most of the SPG's to fit that diversity.

I guess the picture is selfexplaining. The difference for the most part is, that the longer your reload is, the more you suffer from the rollercoaster jumping for the reloadtime. In some games you have your stated reload time which is actually fine, but in some games you have the stated 12.81 seconds for example, but for some reason the reload time takes another 4-5 seconds at 0.01 seconds left , so your real reloadtime is ~18.80 seconds actually.
I can't say for sure, but it is either 17.80 or 18.80 seconds. However i don't know how that "diversity" can happen that often without any mechanics behind that, due i never change my crew nor the retrofits for every match up. From what i know i would assume that the syncronisation is bad as always, which can be seen in the impact of SPG shells  and where they hit actually.

From my point of view it gets really annoying when you need to wait extra long for the reload which effectively lowers my efficiency by quite a lot with all these alpha monster's naming the MBT's . This might not be important for the russian player's but the small details make the difference between a game that has 90 out of 100 points or 95 out of 100 points, though AW is far away from these points anyway in its current state :*)

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