Tuesday 10 November 2015

Balance Parameters which i find important (Part 1)

Balancing is the main goal for having a great game and a good balance in between the classes, though every class has somewhat a different focus on them or approach and reasoning. In the past i was wondering why they buff certain areas for a vehicle, while it doesn't change that much the outcome, at least from the first point of view.

My general parameters of importance for balancing .

View range - in this game it is all about the vision itself. Usually AFV's have the highest view range, since they are supposed to scout, even if they are not recons in this case. View range can be balanced with a couple of things:
  • basic value
  • kit ( recon kit on AFVs for example )
  • vision upgrades which extend the range
  • vision upgrades which make your vision more effective (thermal view)
  • retrofits ( universal or technology slots)
Either of this parameters can be huge, depending on how much they want or can add to a certain vehicle.
The basic value is giving you somewhat of a direction and a possible choice on weather you want to invest in vision retrofits or not, as well as unlocking upgrades which add vision range or visioneffectiveness .

A big thing which makes this part hard to balance in high tier is the tier boost itself, though if you "gain" a tier, aka you buy a higher tiered vehicle, you want it to be an improvement to its predecessor, so you keep adding the basic value in view range. This can lead to the unfortunate problem that higher tiers reach vision range levels which are far beyond lower tiers, even in classes who are not supposed to scout / or have high view range in general .
The only difference will be the vehicle's own camorating then.

My focus :
I would focus on 2 things actually, the basic value and the vision upgrades for the vehicle. Basic view range is the most important one, as you set here the role basically, while vision upgrades are a bonus to either give you a advantage within the same class or to boost the basic value .

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