Wednesday 9 December 2015

Long Term Project for a more individual style


This was a post i made a bit before the Alpha phase started , just to give an idea of how you can have a long term success for players that are loving a specific vehicle. Within the current game as it is now in Open Beta, your long term goal is just to unlock and grind vehicles. Some have the patience for the long grinds and time and some others don't and stick to a tier range where you can have fun.
From my perspective it is the last point actually, why i don't go any further in PvP than tier 6 and have no goal to grind most of the vehicles in PvE. The reason why i picked this up again, is fairly simple as i got my Crew capped out (since they are not focusing the work on their new crew system) and i have no goal set where i can improve my vehicle to make it more efficient.
In World of Tanks you could only train your Crew once you got your tank on elite status which is for me just 1 way to have a goal set after you unlocked all the modules.

I know some MMO's which had something prepared after you capped out your character, to give you a reason to play the game further with your character, like improving, unlocking different items etc. . My "idea" is quite similar , as the player needs something once he unlocked all the modules for his vehicle.


If you are working as a mercenary or a company which works in that environment you will have restrictions on what you can buy / get and afford, due the newest military equipment is either restricted to certain nations and their Army or even to the Corporation itself. This means you have a limited variety on what you can actually buy on the market.
Adding a unique dealer (blackmarket / aftermarket sales) who sells upgrades / modules / visual stuff on the world map who is available once you hit the described way just below, should add a more in depth atmosphere and adds a even more unique way to customise your own vehicle .
Another good point for this is, that you select the stuff which fits your playstyle, as for example a player who plays with "soft" vehicle's aggressive, should not add huge steel plates, as it would lower his mobility on which he relies on, instead he would go for a custom engine with more CC to gain more torque .

Aftermarket Modifications

Current setting :
0% -> 50% (proven) -> 100% (elite) -> unlocking next tier or token
My setting :
0% -> 50% (proven) -> 100% (elite) -> connection's | unlocking next tier or token


Once you hit the 100% you will unlock the "connection" status besides the tier or token thing. Having connections these days will open you some doors , who were closed before and this system is aiming for the same actually.
Connection's itself will unlock certain modules / upgrades for your vehicle to make it more unique and give long term vehicle "lover's" something that give them a difference to the regular elite status of a vehicle .

Top :
100% regular Elite Status
Middle :
Connection status (in this case 0%)
Bottom :
50% connection status

In short
Once you have achieved the 100% Elite status you are able to grind even further (connection's) to unlock more unique modules, upgrades or visual stuff which is bound to the vehicle .

How this can look / work ?

Upgrades / modules should come with a pro and con, which means you gain something but get a flaw with it. As for example if you add armor you gain more protection, but lose mobility , so you need decide yourself on what you want to achieve.

Here are some examples for possible upgrades:
  • Cage armor ( all around / certain area's )
  • Armor plates ( Steel / Iron / Titanium / Aluminium / Uranium )
  • Different armor stuff ( Composite / Bulletproofglass / Ceramic plates )
  • ERA bricks ( light / medium / heavy )
  • Engine types ( more Cylinder capacity / different turbo charger / different engine design / other engine producer)
  • Tracks ( different layout / track pads / different material )
  • non standard ammunition choices, radio systems ( for vehicle name change for example ), FCS, optics, remove able extra fuel tanks, different sideskirt layout, different road wheels( visual ), different antennas( visual ), extra storage boxes ( visual / extra ammo ) , flags for the antennas ( visual like nation flags or clan logo ), sandbags ( visual ), umbrella ( visual )
  • different turret design ( Falcon turret for example )
  • Stalinlog ( visual )
  • electric / hydraulic turret engine
You could add a lot of unqiue things this way, while some of them might change the performance slightly for the vehicle , you need to keep in mind that performance changing upgrades always should come with a flaw, while just visual upgrades , are just to make the look more unique and rewarding for people who play a lot the same vehicles over and over again .


If you google a bit you will recognize that some Defence Corporations are offering different upgrades for some vehicles, like some of them mentioned above. The reason why that is so, not every Army has the money to buy the new released vehicles, despite you might not be friendly with the producing nation / corporation or just reasons like the money.
There are a lot of those corporations out there who are offering a lot of individual upgrades for older vehicles to give them somewhat a chance for a fairly low cost . A good example can be older T- series tanks, like T-54/55 or T-62 or the BMP- series has quite some unique offers or the Leopard 2A4 has quite some options as well .

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