Monday 28 December 2015

0.12 Patch

New Tank Destroyer Class Ability

I played quite a few TD games and the ability itself is a good addition to the class, but i would like to see a way to improve the time when you activate it and when it is on cool down. 1 minute cool down is long and the ability itself just works when you are stationary, which is at least for me a real downside.
Probably you need to get used to it, but still i think that there should be some improvement to this ability .

Rear Armor Rebalance

  • Lowered rear of T90-MS from 100 to 70
  • Lowered rear of T90 from 80 to 70
  • Lowered rear of Terminator from 80 to 70
  • Lowered rear of Ramka from 90 to 70
 Iam actually not sure, on how much armor the "T-72/90" hull has at its back but on the other hand i would question if they put in a higher number than they actually have in real life . Though for myself and for at least some ingame meta, rear should be a weak spot in general for MBTs, while side armor can vary on the kit they are using, but this should be close to real life values and not tuned to make them even harder to kill .


  • Penetration for all rounds increased by ~15%
  • Targeting Time decreased from 3 seconds to 2.5 seconds
  • Hull traverse accuracy bloom rate decreased from 0.75 to 0.3
  • Smallest reticule size decreased from 0.14 to 0.125
  • Largest reticule size decreased from 0.84 to 0.75
  • Hit Points increased from 1760 to 1935
Who would have thought that a SPAAG which had almost the same penetration values as a 30mm autocannon, will not do great in a meta where MBTs are superior to everyone else. I don't know why you put it on tier 9, but one thing is for sure, on a lower tier against more different classes / vehicles it would do a better job, than being top tier in a meta where you have MBTs "only". I said often enough that right tiering is important and that production date is not a primarily value for adding vehicles in high tiers

Stingray 1 and Stingray 2
The Stingrays are just about in the right balance range, but we've given them a slight increase to Hit Points and AP round penetration as quality of life improvements, and we're looking into some issues with their mobility for future patches. Stingray 1:
  • Stingray 1 Hit Points increased from 1465 to 1580
  • Stock AP round increased penetration increased from 265 to 278
  • First AP upgrade penetration increased from 278 to 292
  • Second AP upgrade penetration increased from 285 to 299
  • Third AP upgrade penetration increased from 298 to 313
  • Stock Shaped Charge penetration increased from 244 to 262
  • Upgraded HEAT penetration increased from 249 to 274
Well this might more a personal issue with the Stingray 1 (didn't have the SR 2 yet), but for me it feels awkward to increase these stats, since you are playing a Light Tank, which feels sluggish to drive, limited in its mobility and its overall gun handling (gun depression) seems a bit off. Besides this you are fairly big and have no armor to work with against same tier auto cannons or due your bad MM against higher tiers.
Pushing the penetration values is most likely the easiest move , but it won't fix the issue for being a Light Tank. If i would compare the Stingray with the T5 LT or both my premium LTs (VFM-5 and Exp. Tank), he is worse than both premiums, by far and even lower than the T5 LT. 
Like i said before i don't think that this buff will change the stingray that much .

Player versus Environment

There are numerous changes in PvE and i've not played that much PvE lately, but if you want to increase the difficulty without making it too easy, you should adjust the pathing of the AI. This means that they don't drive to the players with their back forward or turn on point for no reason etc. . On the other hand the random spawning around you is something that i don't like since low armored vehicles are restricted to long range engagements only, while MBTs can take more shots and they will get the spotting damage as well. 
However iam not saying that it is impossible for non MBT vehicles, but it is way harder to play non MBTs and more stressful if you compare them .

Player versus Player

The map changes, well i have seen some of them , though some are nice i would like to see a map selection , since i don't like most of your new map designs , as they are restricting too much.
  • Lost Island - nice visual, somewhat bad gameplay. Definitively a map i would deactivate right away
  • Narrows - nice visual, restricting gameplay. Definitively a map i would deactivate right away
  • Reactor - restricting gameplay.  Definitively a map i would deactivate right away
  • River Point restricting gameplay.(seriously base camping is supported here) Definitively a map i would deactivate right away
  • Pipelines - is quite good compared to your other "new" maps, though there is room of improvement !

Issues and Corrections

  • Fixed an issue where Freja Hojbjerg's commander skill "Full Auto" was not working properly.
Well it doesn't lower the time in between shots for the SPG's, though i think from the description it should. I don't know if you guys test your own stuff, but this is the result when i pick it.
  1. Full auto = 3053dpm
  2. No skill = 3195dpm
  3. Fire when Ready = 3714dpm
Either your description is wrong or you still didn't fix it or it is not intended to be used on SPGs.


They fixed a lot of stuff which is fine, even though some of that is not correct working (above) , i still think that they should focus more on the critical things like the bad MatchMaking or putting vehicles into wrong tiers or not adding the EXP to lines that jump a tier, to make the grind as long as lines that don't have a gap / jump in it. However they should not add any new tiers in the near future, due obvious balancing reasons.

If you want a priority list on what you should do :
  1. MM (pick the right values to judge)
  2. Vehicle tiering
  3. Balancing in the right area
  4. Map design

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