Monday 14 December 2015

1000 PVP battles with a small conclusion

Recently i just played my 1000th PvP battle and now i was thinking of what iam going to do with Armored Warfare. Playing successful is one thing , having fun and the feeling that they are on the right way another.
I will just add up a quick summary on how i see the game in its current state.

The plus points
  • new engine
  • events
  • daily news (except the bias stuff)
  • devs are trying / open minded
  • theme / era
  • possible future
  • good low to mid tier (T1-T5 probably T6 )
  • PVE
  • some maps are looking good (visual)

 I don't say that the CryEngine itself is a good argument, but a new engine should have better options and more capabilities all around, that is why i picked it in a more general way.

The Evens are good and relatively frequently, whereas i don't have the feeling yet, that you are getting milked that much, though from my point of view iam critical about the current state of the game.

Having stories or news itself on a regular basis is really good, while i don't mind a day where you don't get a news if there is none, which means rather hold the bias trash back and not post it in future. Sometimes is less, more .

Personally i talked 1 time with the devs , or most likely i listen to them and their answers, and i really like the way they did it. If i could i would like to talk more with them, especially the specialists in their different departments of them game, like balancing, maps etc. .

The theme or the timewindow (era) has a lot of options and it is something new, though even the previous theme, which would be 2nd WW era, has its limits unless you start the bluepaperwork.

AW has a lot of potential, so had WoT or even has Fallout 4, the overall question is, will they use it.

The low to mid tier battles are quite some fun and for myself i didn't play past tier 6, just once to test the PzH 2000, but thats it.

PVE is a nice addition while in its current state they wasted a lot here in my opinion

In general most of the maps have a good visual design, but not entirely sure about the game design

The negative points

  • high tier is unbalanced / power creep
  • T9 / T10
  • Landslides 90% of the time
  • map design is awful for some maps
  • no identity of vehicles
  • no straight forward "doctrine" when it comes down to vehicle + tier
  • PvE design could be better
Personally i played a lot of high tier during the EA's, but overall it was a bit boring and the recent changes they did towards certain classes, just made high tier really one dimensional to play. The Challenge itself as a gameplay option just changed to be impossible

I never was or am a fan of T9/T10 and their choices for some of the vehicles just show me that iam right with my concern, and balance aside, you cant balance what shouldn't be there at all . Toyota Hilux iam looking at you in the near future :)

Either your roll them like a truck or you get rolled. The answer that the game is new and so on, gets old very quick as you don't need to learn rocket science here and the landslides are no fun ,though it is clear that the MM tries to give better players more or less a disadvantage than a challenge. I have nothing against a challenge, but you give 2-3 players an impossible mission to win .

I might be different here, but i'd rather have a small amount of maps who are balanced, than a large quantity with no balance at all. Think about your map design more from a player's perspective. Visual is fine, design itself is limiting, or go straight up and go from 15vs15 to 10vs10 !

The identity is represented by its design, age, upgrades and in here what class it should be. Some classes have no identity aka different gameplay and some vehicles are just wrong balanced with no straight up way to put them in, except filling high tier (you get why T9/10 is a bad choice)

Somewhat like before mentioned, vehicles need something which represents its capabilities on field and in his "class", some vehicles are looking for it ,ever since.

PvE is a nice way to reduce the number of players which you need to carry from ~10 to ~3 maybe, but the main focus is here for MBT's again. It is a challenge for all other classes, but hello the design could be better by a large margin. MBT focus, not using all the area, power creeped AI ( like T5 vs T9 ) and the reduced vision range, not to mention that it is not that arty friendly as well. 


There are more positive and negative points, but the crucial ones should be mentioned before we go into further details on what can be improved or is in a good state. For myself i will check on what they are doing , but not playing a lot either. The forum is a awkward place and keeping the interest high is currently not a good option for me.

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