Saturday 27 February 2016

Wölfli's reworked Tech Tree up to tier 8.5


I was thinking quite a while, if i do a tech tree or not, and how i would design it within the current available vehicles. Personally I'm against 10 tiers as i don't think that this is necessary and the idea of having half tiers like you have in WTGF seems to be a good solution regarding match making and "power creeps".
My main reason is, that you will effectively boost vehicles to fill up the tech tree, due the nature of the current development of combat vehicles.

If you look closely to the current situation and do some research by yourself, you will notice that almost every AFV in the high tier area, is boosted with no regrets to fill up the tech tree and add some variety besides MBTs.
MBTs are the main engage of every Army, therefore are those the most advanced and used vehicles out there, and that is why it will be hard to find other vehicles that suit the tier.

Wölfi reworked

Sidenotes :
  • Leopard C2 Mexas on T5.5
  • Leopard 2A4M Can on T7
  • M1A2 Tusk on T7.5 (this is mostly a placeholder to something that would fit better)
  • M1A2 Sep V3 on T8.5 
  • Swingfire removed as i don't know where to put this
  • SPGs and Premiums not included due obvious reasons
Reasoning :
All vehicles that moved up or down a tier, need to be toned up or down, to fit the tier. 

  • Leopard C2 Mexas follows the Leopard 1A5 as one of the most recent upgrades to the Leopard 1.
  • Leopard 2 moved to tier 6.5, because without an armor package (Evo kit which is T8 material) and the current balance situation it is just not worth to be on tier 7.
  • M1 Abrams moved to tier 6.5, because it just has a 105mm gun and shouldn't be on tier 7, as that tier should be represented by 120mm and 125mm MBTs.
  • BMP-1P replaced the BMP-1, as i think the upgrades are not worth to be a tier 4.
  • BMP-3 and BMP-3M are placed on tier 6, because the upgrade is not worth to be on tier 7. I split them into both , to keep both vehicles ingame, but overall i would just add the 3M as an upgrade option.
  • Wiesel moved to a new role, which is not primarily spotting like VBL or Crab (viewrange and viewrangeeffectiveness), but to more a combat role. Therefore it should receive a weaker recon package compared to previous mentioned pure recons.
  • Draco moved to tier 8 and right after the Wiesel to represent the combat role better. Overall i would say it should be placed into a SPAAG role in the AFV class, but we need more SPAAGs in first place.
  • Crab is the successor of the VBL, therefore it should represent the increased firepower, as that tier would suit the maximum capabilities of the 30x113mm autocannon. The Crab represents the current highest tiered recon.
  • LAV-600 and M1128 are down tiered , because logic and limits in their weaponry ( 105mm ). Even then the M1128 is boosted to fit tier 7, but not as much as on tier 8.
  • You might noticed as well that i put the "TD's" as a role in the AFV class, due i think we just need 3 classes in general with different roles inside that class. MBTs ( Heavy Combat, Light Combat and Support ), AFV's ( Recon, IFV's, High Caliber tracked [LT], High Caliber wheeled [TD], Combat ) and SPG's ( Wheeled, Tracked, Mortar


I think that this is a better approach to high tier and to lower the amount of possible power creeps, just due the technology jump. Using half tiers, might be a good approach for vehicles that are too strong to downtier them for a full tier, but to weak for the current tier. It also allows a better transition to different vehicles without overbuffing them.
Top tier AFV's are reserved for the latest upgrades of  fairly new vehicles. Also i would not put any AFV on tier 8.5, as i think that MBT's are the alpha animals on the battlefield and other classes are not meant to be that in first place, despite the "balance" .

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