Friday 19 February 2016

How to not launch an Event and how to do it better

The recent Mercenary Showdown event is a good idea and probably a reason on why more players are playing the game, due the rewards you can get. Whoever side you have picked you will get some Premium Days and if you are in the top 100 ranking you will get some gold as well.

There are 3 major flaws on how they launched this event.
  1. even if this is fiction the background of the faction is quite badly chosen
  2. showing the current reputation earned for each side
  3. Top 100 can be easy achieved by just playing T9 or high tier in general (basic rep gain)

Point 1 

What we got here is the typical good vs evil with a history background from ~ 70 years ago. Bad germans all the way, this could have been some propaganda from the 2nd WW actually. As for the other side we have the white knights that are fighting for the good and probably against the evil.
 This is some of the worst cliché I've seen lately and i need to say, that i never would have expected something like this as a "fictional background story". If you play titles like RTCW , you can expect it, and you won't wonder about it, but here... ? I mean really .... ?

What they need to change !

They need to change the background to be not biased to past historical events, or in other words, Mercenary Corp A has its origin in Germany and has base out of german speakers, as well as they use german manufactured vehicles for the most part. Their Commander likes to use their large numbers of MBT'S to  force a quick win or flanking maneuver and also has no problem in losing material on the field, but that counts only for the Tanks not the Crew as he sees them as part of the family.
Mercenary Corp B has  their origin in the former eastern europe and consists mostly out of polish or cze/sk speaking members. They do like to use fast and lightly armored vehicles and have a small number of MBTs as well, next to their Commander who is a calm and smart regarding the best tactic to lower the amount of casualties.

This is just an example on how you can do it, but this way no one is the straight up bad  or good one, but they use different tactics to achieve their goal as well as they have a different opinion regarding material overall. really needs to step up and go away from historical actions and overall bad prejudgement.

Point 2

If you start an event where 2 factions compete with each other for the win and the better bonus you want to not show on who is the winning side. The result is if you let people know on who is winning or losing, people will pick the faction who is winning and not losing.
If people would not know on who is winning currently, until the results are posted at the end of the event, they will pick the faction which either fits their mindset or point of view regarding good vs evil, or if they like specific types of vehicles which has been given out as background or if they just like the symbol or colours.

Those thoughts come directly to my mind, and therefore this should be prevented in the next event as this is just a bad choice overall for all players.

What they need to change !  

Just not show the earned reputation for the whole faction until the event has ended. This basically denies win team joiners and every player can the pick faction which he likes most. What you need to have in mind here, is that even showing your current amount of earned reputation for the player can be somewhat bad, as players might show on how much they earned right now and sum it up to give a direction, maybe.

Another way could be, that the reward itself is the same for both the winning and losing team. Therefore this shouldn't be your choice when you can prevent easy, this situation with the previous mentioned idea.

Point 3

If you are in the Top 100 for either side you will get rewarded with some extra gold. This is how they advertise it, and actually this sounds reasonable to try to go for it. What they didn't had in mind is their "reward" system for each tier, which clearly favours those who are playing only high tier.
You might ask on why this is bad ?
Well if they considered to push high tier battles or numbers of players, i guess this is the way to do it, but what is with those players that don't have high tier vehicles ?
The basic reputation in high tier battles is way higher than you have in low or mid tier, due their tiering and tech tree system which requires more reputation the higher you go. To maintain a decent speed of progress the basic reward is higher than it is on lower tiers. This means simply, you just need to play T8/9 and gain even in a bad game more reputation than a player in the mid tier area who had a good game.

The result is, the Top 100 will be most likely only players that played high tier during the event. There might be players in the mid tier bracket, due the sheer amount of games, most likely, but overall i see 90% only high tier players in that.

What they need to change !

The top 20 players for a dual tier bracket (tier 1+2 , 3+4, 5+6, 7+8) and the top 10 players for the single bracket (tier 9) will get the extra reward for contributing a lot for the faction.
What you can do as well is making a difference between PvP and PvE, so the top 10 players for a dual bracket and the top 5 players for the single bracket for each gametype (pvp | pve) will get the extra rewards etc. .
This is one way to do it, and already better than just saying the Top 100 player for each faction will get something extra. Your current system will punish all none high tier players the most.


I just hope that they learn out of their mistakes this time :^)

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