Wednesday 16 March 2016

MM 2.0 a failure ?


As i mentioned before in the Patch 0.13 notes, that i will try and look on how much improvement they made regarding their "new MM 2.0" and if that progress is going into the right direction. A lot of players in the official forum are saying that they dropped a lot of Winrate within the new MM, and that the overall match outcomes are no where near of being good.

For myself nothing has changed regarding on what i need to do to win, well maybe it changed towards doing it all alone now for the most part. Questions that might come up during this post, are if they changed anything ? Would i recommend the game to anyone ? Should you or me invest money into this ? Is the Open Beta a solid and fair excuse for the Devs ? Is the MM 2.0 a success or does it show that it has no practical use, besides their theory aspect ?

MM 2.0 official Patch notes

We've updated our matchmaking system to provide an overall better experience to players looking for more balanced matches. Previously, players would often find themselves placed against full platoons in higher-tiered vehicles without an equal number of equivalently tiered vehicles on their team.

Platoons will now be matched against equally tiered platoons or players who match the top tier in the platoon. For example, a platoon of 3 tier 8s can only get into a match if the match has three other tier 8s (platooned or not). Artillery is also more strictly matched so their tiers are balanced between the teams. While this means platoons will sometimes have to wait longer for a match, solo-queue players should now find themselves in matches with other similarly-tiered players and a balanced number of platoons.Additionally, solo-queue players should also find it easier to get into a match, even at higher tiers.

Finally, the introduction of Matchmaker 2.0 also brings with it new server-side controls which allow us to more easily tweak the matchmaking settings based on individual region needs.

They call something 2.0 while the obviously only new program line, is that they changed something regarding platoons and the overall queue time. I don't even see on why they call it new or a complete new version as within the next screenshots it will show that they improved literally nothing which is worth mentioning a new version of the Match Maker.
The Devs still have no clue about what they are doing or let me put it this way, they still don't play their own game on a decent level to see the downsides of their "theoretical" aspect of their own MM 2.0 and that it is not working.

This screenshot was taken on a Saturday at 16:57 in the afternoon on the EU server. 

Sure every side has an equal amount of platoons and tanks, but i might miss tier 6 in here, or rather why are tier 5 tanks in this matchup ?
According to their MM formula i would matched as a 55%+ player, which means my team will have for sure a 45% player, which can be a T5 but also within a very high chance of  being a T7.

Since we already know that power creeps are strong in this game regarding high tier, what can i do as a high skilled player in the lowest tier against 1000% power creeped vehicles ?
Yes i can try and i did, but we lost , because i have T7 players who can't carry their own weight in this matchup. You might say, losing is part of the game, which is true, but it depends on how you lose.

  • Do I enjoy stomping enemies ? No i don't since it is like stealing candy from the kids
  • Do I enjoy being stomped without a chance of winning ? No i don't since it is a waste of my own time, as the MM is rigged towards that ?
Regarding the assumption of having a rigged MM or rigged RNG, which we all fairly know from WoT. They said that they match each player to have a relatively equal chance for both teams, which means each side has 50% chance of winning, according to their theory for their MM 2.0 formula.

As you can see it , this screenshot was taken yesterday night, which ain't an excuse for the result. Where do i have here a 50-50 chance of winning the game ?
More than 50% of my team are players who get rewarded for doing nothing, while i was not sitting back and being a sniper, no i played to the task of my tank, but you can't do anything if more than 50% of your team does nothing.

Yet again, does your MM 2.0 or MM in general work ? No it doesn't and all you are doing in your office at the Obsidian Entertainment HQ is jerking off to theory and how it can work, while it doesn't.

How does such issues come around ? For some time they said it is all about the game being really snowball like , but this is just an excuse for like 5% of the games maybe. If you play it smart you can work around a snowball, by snowballing yourself or simply stop the snowball by intelligent play.
Yes i said smart and intelligent, which sadly is not the case for 80% of the players in AW . But to give you an example on how their system doesn't work out.

  1. Player A has a average of 50% winrate, on tier 6 with 500 damage per game.
  2. Player B has a average of 50% winrate, on tier 6 with 1500 damage per game.

Both players are getting matched towards both teams. Player B will do a decent amount of damage while Player A will provide nothing , but both players can be seen as 50% WR players and so does the MM . Their system takes winrate into count to provide a equal chance for both sides, but as you can see in my short example, the system doesn't work, as they are missing values, which are important and which i recommend to use countless times.

MM is a complex thing and if they want to pull it of, listen to players that have game knowledge which 80% of the playerbase is lacking hard. Sounds rude, but it is like that. You have shown that either your very own testers are clueless and that the own Devs have no skill as well or just don't know on the importance of some values.

Important values: (easy ones | only some from the player)
  • average damage for the vehicle
  • average spotting damage for the vehicle
  • average damage / damage taken ratio for the vehicle
  • average kill / death ratio
  • average damage for the tier
  • average spotting damage for the tier
  • average damage / damage taken ratio for the tier
  • average damage overall
  • average spotting damage overall
  • average damage / damage taken ratio
  • average performance for the map and spawn
  • average damage against higher tiers ( more specific against what vehicles )
  • average winrate against higher tiers
  • average winrate against same tier
  • average winrate against lower tiers

and so on. (will do a detailed post about this)

The MM needs the right values to work as accurate as it should, and winrate itself just doesn't cut it or do you think that me as a good player wants to "work" off every game and feed your flawed system with players who actually doesn't deserve the win, but due your very own MM fail 2.0, i need to carry every fucking

Do you really think that it is fun to carry every game with 5-10 kills and 7-10k combined damage, just because you get punished with a truckload of your "50% winrate plebs" who even get rewarded for doing nothing.

Final Words

Would i recommend the game to anyone ?
No, this game is pure pain to play, while the Devs still have no focus on WHAT they NEED to DO.
Should you or me invest money into this ?
No, since they don't learn out of their mistakes for almost a complete year and like above, they don't focus on the right stuff.
Is the Open Beta a solid and fair excuse for the Devs ?
This "argument" has no value, since they can charge money for their game already and the speed on fixes and real issues is so slow, a 100 year old grandma looks lightning fast.
Is the MM 2.0 a success or does it show that it has no practical use, besides their theory aspect ?
MM 2.0 is a huge failure, and doesn't provide any practical use.

Maybe some people don't know it, but either their Dev team has just a handful people in it, which would a explanation of their slow speed or they still have no dude in charge who sets the right goals, aka focus on the important stuff.
You might ask on what i mean exactly, well they are happy developing tier 10 (which we don't need), pulling out a new Dealer with questionable vehicle tiering (yet again), released a questionable OP T5 Premium tank (it is OP as fuck), release a new map who is designed for MBTs for the most part (they still have a shitty map design) and last but not least the so called MM 2.0, which might work out in theory but has no practical use (they still don't get on what they need to do).

Overall, patch 0.13 has little to no improvement, as the big statements are more incomplete than complete. The new Dealer has a lot of wrong tiered vehicles, the MM 2.0 is a failue, the new map is stupid to play and the PvE SPGs still focus 1 player.


  1. I would love to see devs reading this and change their crap work into the right direction. But for sure, wont happen :(

    1. That would mean, that they figured out that their theorycrafting has no practicalsense in this game. Therefore the MM is just 1 big issue, while other issues like overall mid to high tier transition being bad and the overall map design sucks, will be in the game for a very long time with no improvement.

      However i bet there are just a few people working on AW right now, since they have 2-3 other projects running, besides AW.
      Lets not forget about the recent Sellouts :D

  2. Without a doubt going DOWN IN FLAMES!!
    Main reason? "Silent stalker"
    This forum Nazi never leaves anything negative on the forums even something as simple as a match making bug. Apparently if the problem is hushed then everyone will be happy. WRONG! He is notorious for even banning people from the blogs for complaining about the game. This in turn doesn't give the fan base any hope for change. So as you can imagine the game hasn't changed to suit the customer only to suit the devs and we all know a hundred games that have crashed and burned for this very reason in the past. My advice to to find a different game with a more responsive PR officer at the helm.

    1. As much as I find SS a good addition, he often treats the forum as his own blog back then, which has an essential difference. The blog was his very own thing and he could do what he wanted to do while the forum is a place much bigger than his blog nor is it his own playground as he is just part of a team there.
      Trust me the AW game forum has many problems not only SS. The censorship in general is quite big and the game progresses in a direction which ain't good as the playerbase is speaking for themselves.
      I should be back in a few month and have a look on what is left from AW, but sure thing it ain't a lot
