Saturday 23 January 2016

Camo price and map choices

Few words to start

The current situation in the forum is, that some people think, that the camo prices are too high, even for mid tier vehicles. Although it might be true that in high tier the prices for camo are high, yet i can't tell on what the general income is on those tiers, since i don't play them . So there might be a need for a little adjustment, though i think that the players are complaining way too much about it. Gold or farming credits, your choice .

My Point of View

I could be wrong, but in World of Tanks, back when i played it you had only 1 choice to keep the camo permanent, and that was buying it with gold. The other options where that you could have it for a couple of days, while you pay it with ingame currency. Of course you could maintain the camo on your tanks with buying them over and over again, yet i think, most people including me just bought them for gold.
Armored Warfare done something similar and added the option to buy camo via gold or credits and to come to my point of view, they added the option to purchase the camo forever for a vehicle, not only with gold but with credits as well.

Assuming that you can just invest gold to buy / unlock a camo pattern for your vehicle or if you want to farm you can invest your credits that way. For myself I have done it with 1 tier 6 vehicle and 1 tier 5 vehicle and i think that the way the have it ingame is fine. It is more a cosmetic thing and that you have the option to unlock it per vehicle and change them with other patterns that you can unlock without repaying is fairly good, if i see it right.

To sum it up, you have 2 ways of purchasing / unlocking patterns.
  1. Gold
  2. Credits
You keep the patterns for the unlocked vehicle if you buy them on a non limited time base.

I don't see a reason to complain here, actually. They could have implented the Camo patterns on a Gold only basis if you want to keep it forever and for credits just on a limited time base, though I'd take the current system over this.
Yes it is expensive, but i wonder if any of those players had every tank they had in WoT with camo as well.


Players should be happy that they can purchase Camo patterns for credits with no time limitation and if they really need to open xxx threads about how unfair it is, because it is not. Gold = easy way, credits = long term farming and more focus on where you "need" camo.

Map Choices

Reactor is back, and i still don't like it. I know that they have said that they won't implement a map selection, but for fuck sake, i just want it. I have no fun on Roughneck with my Leopard 1A5 or T-72, or Pipelines on south spawn, is no fun as well, next to Narrows in a AFV or LT, heck even as a TD it is hard to play, not to mention River Point where base camping is rewarded, and to complete to minirage, Lost Island is another map which i don't like to play.
I mean even Ghost Field is mediocre to play by now, since it become a clockwork rush from both spawns, like driving in a racing circuit. The issue might be just team related or vehicle or MM related, but when i see one of the above / first mentioned maps, i already feel bad to play on those. 

Though every player has different taste, i'd rather be on a map that i like and play it often, than on a map which i dislike to play even though it is just a couple of times. To give you an idea, Reactor has a lot of difference in terrain level, which is bad for vehicles that have bad gun depression or elevation, and guess what you get with the Centauro ? Yes Reactor....
Iam pretty sure that there are positions where you can be useful, but damn this map is a pain to play. Another example would be Lost Island with a SPG. This map is just stupid for those and the cornering is just the right area to fight for heavy armored vehicles.....

To give you an impression, some maps are not meant to be played by some vehicles or classes, and you force them to do so. This is like playing with a M82A1 (Barrett) on a MOUT map, where you have a fighting range from like 50-100m . That's how your maps are and you can't change them to fit every class or vehicle, but what you can do, is to lower the chance for the players to join those maps .


  • Map selection
  • or Map selection per vehicle/class 
As for the latter one -> You select the maps you want to play with a vehicle or in general you select the maps for the class that should be played there.

Lost Island = MBTs for example
Port Storm = Arty for example
Cold Strike = mixed for example

Yes you said that you are not working on this nor that you have it on your roadmap, but you should start considering something else then, since there will be always maps where you have the feeling of being useless or unhappy when you see the loading screen already .

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