Wednesday 20 April 2016

T10 on the PTS and my opinion

So they released or launched their T10 vehicles on the RU PTS and well from what I see there this is a good nail for the game actually. This is exactly what was worrying me when they introduced the T9 stuff and T10 was just a matter of time before we see those. There are quite a few reasons on why this is bad, but as the forum majority voted to have such crap, they need to live with the outcome or well actually not, since you can just drop the game.

Why is T10 bad, besides T9 already being bad ?
  • tierspread in regard of the player population for EU and NA
  • bigger caliber = bigger damage and penetration
  • low armored and lower tiered vehicles will be ~2 shots
  • T10 are fantasy tanks for the most part
  • extra tier = we need higher, faster, stronger vehicles compared to the previous tier
  • work gets delegated towards something which we don't need yet ( T9 and T10 ), while not focusing on important stuff to grow the game itself

The biggest issue this game will have its the population, since it dropped to a point where you need to balance between the different tiers and not only on the tier itself (+-0 MM). When you know this, you need to balance different, since the requirement is another. While balancing is just one part, players having no fun is another, or why do you think, that there are just a few people playing high tier, besides the grind "issue".

People wanting blueprints, mockups and all the shiny new stuff, while forgetting about everything else. I don't know why they keep listening to those people who are in a tunnelvision 24/7, although it is not good to grow a game in this state by then.
I said this in Alpha, during the EA and I say it right now again, keep it slow, don't add tiers like you change your underwear every day, don't listen to the majority of people who just see nice stuff and want to have it right now, but I know already that this is fighting against wind mills.

In the long run you won't grow as big as WoT, nor will the game survive long enough to actually add all the stuff which it needed right now and not in 2 or more year. You can proof me wrong, but Iam pretty sure that I will be right.

Regarding the other stuff, well it is self explaining for the most part, as those "140/152mm" guns will have more penetration and a lot more damage, even if they tweak it, it will be more in every aspect. Is this good ? Nope, but I won't support this trash by playing high tier.

I can tell already that T8 will be freeEP pinata, just because the population numbers are that low that the MM will go up to +-2, unlike T10 want to wait forever. As for T9 well, they might stand a chance, but as it stands, 1 mistake and you lose a lot of HP right now, while T10 has a lot of HP themselves already.

Yes people will call it out, we are playing in the future and stuff. Well the worst argument I have read, but it is funny that people trying to justify those fantasy builds of tanks.
  • Challenger 2B  which seems to be a T9 Challenger 2 with a 140mm gun ( it had problems fitting a 120mm smoothbore, but now it can fit a 140mm with the same turret )
  • Leopard 2A7-140 uses ESPACE, whereas it was just shown as a "mockup on a tankmodel". It has a 140mm gun which wasn't even used on this variant of the Leopard 2. Who knows if it would work out with all the ugprades from the past 140mm project to the current 2A7.
  • XM1A3 is another fantasy build. Basically the T9 variant with rooftiles as an upgrade next to the 140mm gun.
  • T-14 is obviously the only tank that actually might have had tests with the 152mm gun, but yet you don't know if it will look different or be different to the 125mm T-14.
  • PL-01 is a mockup, aka it doesn't even exist as a working prototype by now. From what it looks like, wood / cardboard has stronger armor than composite on the PTS.
  • Panhard Sphinx is just a fail tiered vehicle, like the CRAB.

However now you will read top secret information's. They plan to introduce the Mammoth Tank from C&C  as T10 as well as the Baneblade from Warhammer 40k.

Higher, faster and stronger that is how T10 will be compared to T9 and T8. I wonder on how you will balance this out.

In the time they spent on adding T9 and T10, they could have done:
  • balance between T5 and T6 (not a lot, but there is some need to tweak)
  • balance between T6 and T7
  • balance between T7 and T8
  • tier properly
  • introduce the reworked Crew and Commander system
  • add a gamemode
  • add clan stuff
  • add base stuff
  • rework your mapdesign
  • improve the MM
  • fix bugs to finally have a working base on which you can build the game
  • rework some of the PvE stuff
  • rework the class and role ( prefer the 3class system with many roles )
  • go more indepth with SPGs as a better support ( improve the support shell mechanics )
  • look out for gamemechanics, like tracking or shell / armor mechanics
Those are things you could have done meanwhile, and all would benefit the game more than adding 2 new tiers which are not good for your game.

My personal opinion still is the same as it was before, T9 and T10 are not needed, nor will you get players back and stick to your game that way. It is sad, that you didn't learn and listen when it was needed.

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